The Google ads rules on the sale of CBD: What should you know?

If you decide to run an ad on Google promoting marijuana-related CBD products, you risk having it removed. You will also be prohibited from posting new advertisements, even if they do not involve the marketing of CBD products. There are other ways to advertise your CBD brand. Google’s acceptance rules are quite obscure and your account could be restricted even if you comply with these restrictions.
Face book’s rules on the sale of CBD
Earlier, advertising for CBD derived products on Facebook was prohibited. However, if your primary goal is a hemp-derived product, you are in luck. On June 26, 2019, Facebook lifted its ban on CBD products. Which means advertisers can now share ads with hemp-based products.
Twitter’s rules on CBD sales
Unfortunately, Twitter does not allow advertising of CBD products. However, this does not mean you should not use Twitter for your marketing needs. The platform’s advertising policy only applies to products promoted through paid advertisements. For example, it is possible to publish information about new products and link it to your website.
Instagram rules for selling CBD
The policies established by Instagram are quite similar to those implemented by Twitter. Still, keep in mind that Instagram users are not penalized as frequently as Twitter users. However, the app can permanently close your account if you try to sell a non-compliant product. Instead, focus on educating your audience by linking to your blog. You can also use Instagram to post videos.
How to set the selling price of your CBD products to break even
Let us say we want a 160% margin rate on our products sold. If we buy a CBD product for $80, then this means that, we must generate 160% x 80 = 128 dollars selling it. That gives us a selling price of 80 + 128 = $208 for this CBD product. We therefore have a multiplying coefficient of 208/80 = 2.6.
In reality, for your strategies to market CBD product online, this multiplier coefficient is going to vary based on several parameters, such as the types of CBD products sold, the prices offered by other CBD stores, whether you sell CBD under your own brand, and by the relationships, you have with your supplier of CBD products.
In the end
By selling online, you can reach a wide variety of audiences and locations. Online stores use social media and blogs to help boost their performance. Retail stores, on the other hand, have the convenience of being on hand. By having many ways to boost your CBD business online, you can connect and interact with customers and deliver products in person.