Veterans’ Most Common Disabilities and How They Are Rated

Due to incidents that took place while serving in the military, veterans frequently encounter various medical issues at higher rates than their counterparts in the general population. Many veterans experience musculoskeletal diseases due to the physically demanding nature of military duty; musculoskeletal disorders are among the most prevalent disabilities experienced by veterans. Other overall impairments involve those of the auditory system, probably brought on by things like gunfire and mental health conditions brought on by the pressures associated with military duty. Make sure you contact a disability attorney tacoma.
Tinnitus is the most prevalent VA disability.
Tinnitus generally describes the sensation of sound or ringing in the ears. Tinnitus is typically a sign of an underlying ailment, such as hearing loss, ear damage, or a problem with the circulatory system. The most typical tinnitus symptoms are Phantom sounds in the ears, such as ringing, humming, roaring, clicking, hissing, and buzzing.
Bilateral hearing loss is the second-most typical VA impairment.
A person with bilateral hearing loss often asks people to speak more slowly, precisely, and loudly, muffs speech and other noises, has trouble understanding words, hears consonants, withdraws from conversations, and avoids certain social situations.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is the third most typical VA disability (PTSD)
The mental health illness known as post-traumatic stress disorder is brought on by going through unpleasant, startling, or other traumatic incidents. One million veterans with PTSD explicitly have a service connection for one of the over 1.7 million veterans with mental health issues.
Scars are the fourth most typical VA disability.
Veterans may be eligible for service connection for surgically necessary conditions or scars they acquired while serving in the military. It is customary to assume that wounds sustained during combat or from gunshots are what cause scars. As previously indicated, it is more typical to experience scars due to subsequent surgery.
Limitation of knee flexibility is the fifth most common VA disability.
Veteran patients frequently experience knee problems. One type of knee problem that qualifies for service-connected compensation is flexion limitation. Limitation of knee flexion refers explicitly to the veteran’s ability to move or curl his or her knee inside toward the body.
Lumbar and cervical injuries are the sixth most typical VA disability.
Unfortunately, veterans frequently experience back problems. According to 38 CFR 4.71a, Schedule of Ratings, Musculoskeletal System, the VA rates back ailments such as lumbar and cervical strains, and the criteria heavily rely on a veteran’s range of motion.