Why You Must Protect a Chipped Tooth from Further Damage

A chipped tooth will not heal by itself, so delaying treatment could result in further tooth and surrounding tissue injury. Without proper dental care following a fractured tooth, you might get an infection that necessitates root canal therapy or lose the tooth. The discomfort caused by a chipped tooth can additionally worsen over time. A dentist in Maryville, TN can help you.
Importance of prompt treatment after a tooth fracture
irrespective of the severity of the chipped tooth, dental treatment is required to prevent further harm and restore the patient’s smile. This article discusses the causes of a fractured tooth and what to expect during the recovery and treatment phases.
What are the most prevalent causes of fractured teeth?
The causes of a fractured tooth consist of bruxism (nighttime teeth clenching), a strike to the mouth during sport or exercise, automobile accidents, and falls. Children frequently chip a tooth while playing outside, such as when they land unnaturally on a trampoline. It is essential to comprehend the causes of chipped teeth and to take precautionary measures to minimize the risk.
How can I stop a damaged tooth from worsening?
If a fragment is minor, the patient might be able to postpone treatment for a few days to more than a week. In the interim, the patient should practice good oral hygiene to keep the mouth clean, avoid sugary and dark beverages, and minimize the risk of further tooth damage.
What can I expect when I visit the dentist for a damaged tooth?
The dentist can evaluate the severity of the fragment to determine the most appropriate treatment option. They may also treat the patient’s symptoms to reduce his or her initial level of discomfort. The dentist offers aftercare instructions and schedules a subsequent appointment if additional treatment is required.
When should you seek assistance for a chipped tooth?
Regardless of the severity, seeking medical attention for a chipped tooth as soon as feasible after it occurs is essential. Long-term, the risk to the patient’s oral health is of greater concern than the cosmetic concern caused by the chip.
How can I avoid chipping my teeth in the future?
When there is a chance of dental trauma, the best method to prevent a chipped tooth is to wear a mouthguard. This may occur while the patient is dozing, if he or she has bruxism, or while playing a contact sport. Good oral hygiene and avoiding excessive sugar consumption may reinforce enamel and decrease the likelihood of chipped teeth.